- About Lotus Wellness Center
- Abuse Therapist Palatine Illinois
- Addiction Therapy Palatine, IL
- Adolescent Therapist Palatine, IL
- Affordable Counseling Center Palatine, IL
- Alison White
- Alyssa Raiche-Salek
- Anxiety Counseling in Palatine, IL
- Anxiety doctor Palatine, IL
- Anxiety Therapist Arlington Heights, IL
- Anxiety Therapist Barrington, IL
- Anxiety Therapist in Palatine, IL
- Anxiety Therapist Palatine, IL
- Anxiety Therapist Schaumburg, IL
- Anxiety Therapy
- Aromatherapy Palatine, IL
- Ashley Pruitt
- At Home Chiropractor Barrington, IL
- At Home Chiropractor Lake Zurich, IL
- At Home Chiropractor Schaumburg, IL
- Back Pain Doctor Palatine, IL
- Benefits of Couples Counseling Palatine, IL
- Best Counseling Center in Palatine, IL
- Bullying Counseling Palatine, IL
- Career Coaching Palatine, IL
- Carolyn Witkowski
- CBT Therapy Palatine IL
- CBT Therapy Schaumburg IL
- Ceremonies & Rituals to Celebrate Transitions
- Chiropractic Care Palatine, IL
- Chronic Illnesses Therapist Palatine, IL
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Schaumburg, IL
- Complex Trauma Therapy
- Concierge Chiropractic
- Counseling & Psychotherapy Palatine, IL
- Counseling Center in Palatine, IL
- Counseling Center Palatine, IL
- Counseling Inverness, IL
- Counseling Palatine, IL
- Counseling Palatine, IL
- Counseling Schaumburg, IL
- Counseling services in English and Spanish
- Counselor Palatine IL
- Couples Counseling Palatine IL
- Depression Counseling Palatine IL
- Depression Therapist Palatine, IL
- Depression Therapy
- Depression Therapy in Lake Zurich IL
- Depression Therapy Inverness IL
- Depression Therapy Lake Zurich, IL
- Depression Therapy Lake Zurich, IL
- Depression Therapy Lake Zurich, IL
- Depression Therapy Schaumburg Il
- Depression Treatment Inverness, IL
- Depression Treatment Palatine, IL
- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Schaumburg, IL
- Digital Detox Treatment Palatine, IL
- Digital Reconnection Treatment Palatine, IL
- Emily Dohm
- Emma Kane-Mikan
- Emotional Counseling Palatine Illinois
- Empowered Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Care
- Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy
- Event Dashboard
- Event Organizers
- Event Venues
- Events
- Family Counseling Palatine, IL
- Fertility
- Find a Hypnotherapist in Palatine, IL
- Focus Stress Reduction Palatine, IL
- Gay Therapist Schamburg IL
- Gay Therapist Schaumburg, IL
- Grief Counseling Palatine, IL
- Grief Counseling Schaumburg IL
- Haley Bogdan
- Health Helper Scholarship
- Holistic Approach Palatine, IL
- Holistic Center Palatine IL
- Holistic Center Schaumburg, IL
- Home Light Version
- Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
- Hypnotherapist Schaumburg, IL
- Hypnotherapy For Transformation
- Immigration Hardship Evaluations
- Inspirational Healing And Change
- Insurance and Forms
- Internship @ the LWC!
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Palatine, IL
- Jenna Xavier
- Jennifer Annen
- landing page
- Laura Pietroski
- Leo Gerdov
- LGBTQ Counseling Palatine, IL
- LGBTQ Therapy Palatine, IL
- LGBTQ+ Affirming Counseling
- Liana Gerdov
- Life Coaching Palatine, IL
- Life Transitions Therapy
- Lotus Wellness Center Privacy Policy
- Marital Counseling Palatine, IL
- Massage Therapy Palatine, IL
- Medicare Anxiety Therapy Palatine, IL
- Medicare Depression Therapy Palatine, IL
- Mental Health Services Palatine, IL
- Mental Telehealth
- Migraine Care Palatine, IL
- Migraine Treatment Palatine, IL
- Mindfulness Meditation Palatine, IL
- Miscarriage Counseling Palatine, IL
- Monica Zohar
- Often Overlooked Reasons for Visiting a Chiropractor
- Online Counseling Palatine, IL
- Online Therapist Schaumburg, IL
- Online Therapy Palatine, IL
- Organizer Dashboard
- Pain Management Palatine, IL
- Palatine Chiropractor
- Palatine Equine Assisted Therapy
- Palatine Equine Therapy
- Palatine Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy
- Palatine IL Stress Management
- Palatine Women’s Circle
- Palatine, IL Quit Smoking
- Palatine, IL Stress Management
- Past Life Regression Therapy
- Past Life Regression Therapy Schaumburg, IL
- Post an Event
- Post-Abortion Therapy Palatine, IL
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Therapy Palatine, IL
- Reflexology
- Reiki & Energy Healing Palatine, IL
- Reiki Treatment Palatine, IL
- Reiki Treatment Schaumburg, IL
- Relationship Counseling Palatine, IL
- Relationship Therapy Palatine, IL
- Resources
- Samantha Peroutka
- Schaumburg Counseling
- Servicios de consejería en Inglés y español
- Shamanic Healing
- Shatzi Nikolai
- Shelli Villagomez
- Sitemap
- Smoking Cessation Palatine, IL
- Social Anxiety Therapy Palatine, IL
- Somatic Therapy
- Specials
- Submit Organizer Form
- Submit Venue Form
- Substance Abuse Therapy Palatine, IL
- Teen Therapy Palatine, IL
- Teen Therapy Schaumburg, IL
- Teletherapy Therapist Schaumburg, IL
- Test Anxiety Counseling Palatine, IL
- Thank You
- Therapist Palatine, IL
- Therapy in Palatine, IL
- Therapy Palatine, IL
- Therapy Schaumburg, IL
- Therapy Services Palatine, IL
- Trauma Therapist Palatine IL
- Trauma Therapist Schaumburg, IL
- Upcoming Events
- Venue Dashboard
- Virtual Counseling Palatine IL
- Virtual Therapist Schaumburg, IL
- Weight Loss Palatine, IL
- Weight Management in Palatine, IL
- Weight Management Palatine, IL
- Weight Management Palatine, IL
- What Should I Expect During Online Therapy?
- What Should I Know About Counseling?
- Why Choose Us?
- Contacts
- The official blog for Lotus Wellness Center Palatine, IL
Request An Appointment
Hours of Operation
WEEK DAYS: 09:00AM – 7:00PM
SATURDAY: 09:00AM – 12:00PM
SATURDAY: 09:00AM – 12:00PM
Client Review
“Liana and Leo are the greatest! The best counselor and chiropractor I have been to in 30 years. Took me a lot of money and years to find the best!”
Ellen B.
Ellen B.