Counseling Center in Palatine, IL

Counseling Center in Palatine, IL

Counseling Center in Palatine, IL

Counseling Center in Palatine, ILWhile there are some people who may be stuck in thinking that therapy does not work, there are many more who will say it does. The decision to see a therapist at a counseling center in Palatine, Illinois is very personal. It is a decision that should be based on your own desire to change the pattern you are in.

Who therapy can help

A Palatine, IL counseling center can be beneficial for a myriad of issues. The following list includes the more common diagnoses and life changes that bring people to a mental health practitioner.

  •         Depression
  •         Anxiety
  •         Bipolar disorder
  •         Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  •         Negative thought patterns
  •         Divorce
  •         Domestic abuse
  •         Difficulty conceiving
  •         Grief
  •         Physical ailments
  •         Illness of a loved one
  •         Behavioral issues with a child
  •         Couples counseling
  •         Substance abuse

Reasons to Seek Therapy at a Counseling Center

The number one reason to seek therapy is so that you can live the best life possible. That may sound cliché and hokey but it is simple logic. There are times where we legitimately face seemingly impossible obstacles in life and just need to talk it out in a safe space. When provided the opportunity to verbally process difficult subjects, one can begin to see the issue in a more realistic and manageable way.  Ultimately, in making the decision to pursue better mental health, you are choosing yourself.

How to Find the Right Palatine, IL Counseling Center for You

After deciding to seek counseling in Palatine, IL, you may wonder, what is the next step? The answer is to find a therapist who will best suit you and your needs. There are some key things to consider in order to get to the best fit for you.

  1. Specialty- Find a therapist who has experience with problems and issues similar to the ones you are dealing with. You would not see a heart surgeon for a knee replacement so why would you see a couple’s counselor for depression? A simple search for licensed mental health professionals should include his or her specialty within the practice.
  2. Insurance coverage- If you have insurance, you may want to take a look at your network. You could also ask your general practitioner for a referral.
  3. Out of pocket options- Some professionals offer a sliding scale. A sliding scale is a reduced rate for services based on the amount an individual can pay. If money is an issue, you may want to narrow the search to include therapists that offer flexible payment options.
  4. Gender considerations- It is important to think about your comfort level and seeking a therapist that matches your needs. The gender of your therapist is important to consider- are you more comfortable speaking with a man or a woman?

What to Expect from the Process

The key word here is process. Going to your first session is your starting point. It is important to keep in mind that this is not a contest nor is it a race. Rather, it is an opportunity for you to explore hurdles that you are facing or have faced and how that is currently impacting your everyday life and ability to thrive.

To find out if therapy offered at our counseling center in Palatine, IL can help you, contact the Lotus Wellness Center today.

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WEEK DAYS: 09:00AM – 7:00PM
SATURDAY: 09:00AM – 12:00PM
Client Review
“Liana and Leo are the greatest! The best counselor and chiropractor I have been to in 30 years. Took me a lot of money and years to find the best!”
Ellen B. Client Review