Complex Trauma Therapy

Complex Trauma Therapy

When we go through life experiences that change the way we look at ourselves, the people around us, and having a sense of safety in the world, it may require some extra help to heal from them. Trauma can come in many forms. Going through traumatic events can make someone have intense feelings of guilt, as if they alone are responsible for the events that transpired. This altered sense of shame and perception of self can be mentally crippling. Complex trauma occurs repeatedly and often entails direct harm to the victims. It can make someone feel hopeless and isolated, as if they no longer have control over their own selves. At the Lotus Wellness Center, we have over a decade of experience helping clients work through their traumatic histories. You can trust our team with your most difficult thoughts and experiences. We provide gentle and empathic mental health services that aim to heal those who have gone through the most challenging situations. We encourage you to consider scheduling an appointment today if you know your health could get better through complex trauma therapy. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Complex Trauma Symptoms

Treating complex trauma can involve several modalities to address your symptoms. The current method for resolving complex trauma is a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy, and exposure therapy. Trauma can impact the part of the brain that guides survival. So someone with complex trauma may either go numb or hyper-react to the slightest sense of danger. Those who struggle with this may feel that they are particularly aware of what is happening in their environment and are unable to engage in hobbies or other activities fully due to their brain being re-organized to deal with danger. Complex trauma affects both the unconscious or conscious portions of the brain. Body-oriented activities such as yoga, EMDR, and practicing mindfulness can help the mind and body reconnect. Trauma can produce feelings of consistent sadness, deep anger, and despair. Along with these symptoms, complex trauma can including the following:

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Distrust

  • Change in personal self-concept

  • Isolation, guilt, or shame

  • Feeling different from other people

  • Feeling hopeless or helplessness

  • Episodes of feeling detached from one’s mental state or body

  • Being preoccupied with seeking revenge or given complete power to the perpetrator

  • Self-mutilation, self-harm

  • Substance abuse, alcoholism

By learning to focus on what is happening within your emotional body and gaining self-awareness, you can get better control over your responses and reactions in life. When people can feel safe in their own bodies, they can heal from the inside out. The brain does change due to trauma, but there are miraculous tools that can make a true difference in a person’s wellbeing and mental health. If you have questions about how we can support your healing, please reach out today about complex trauma therapy. 

Services We Offer

We offer various types of mental health services, such as psychotherapy/counseling, groups and workshops, hypnotherapy, chiropractic care, wellness and holistic therapies, nutritional counseling, and more. Psychotherapy/counseling is essentially talk therapy that can help people with their anxiety, depression, substance abuse, adjustment disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, among others. Some people come to us for talk therapy on a regular basis so they can get stressors off their chest and speak to someone who is unbiased and separate from their personal relationships. During talk therapy, your counselor can go over past traumas and mental health symptoms/conditions to diagnose, evaluate, and address your psychological ailments. It is the goal of your therapist to provide a safe environment where you can be open about your innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It is our role to give you the space needed to feel safe in discussing experiences that affect your overall happiness to this day.

Hypnotherapy can be a useful way to treat depression, stress, PTSD, weight loss, trauma resolution, test anxiety, learning disorders, concentration difficulties, acute/chronic pain management, headaches, and other conditions. We also offer groups and workshops, which are led by our counselors and can be a great way to get support from others who are going through a similar struggle. Chiropractic care is another method used to restore balance in the body. Our in-office therapy consists of ultrasound, therapeutic massage, manipulation, stretching, physical therapy, and light therapy. Chiropractic care helps the body with headaches, neck/back pain, whiplash, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and other bodily dysfunctions. By eliminating discomfort and physical ailments, a person’s mental health and positive look on life can improve. You may be interested in incorporating holistic and ancient wisdom into your healing toolkit as well. We offer guided imagery, mediation, hypnosis, restorative yoga, aromatherapy, spiritual counseling, homeopathy, herbs, and chakra cleansing. 

Contact Us 

Our compassionate team offers a range of methods that aid in healing individuals, family dynamics, and couple’s relationships. Upon your initial intake for complex trauma therapy, we can create a treatment plan that is unique to you and what you need. We can set you up with an appointment with a therapist who is most suitable for you. If you want to get started today, we do offer flexible schedules so that you have more than enough opportunity to take time for yourself. Healing is not linear. When it may seem like you are going through a difficult period that will never end, remember that it will become another moment in time where you have worked through your traumas and arrived at a better place mentally than you were before. At Lotus Wellness Center, we prioritize each and every person’s health that seeks out support from us. We take seriously our role in your healing journey. Let us get you on the path to stronger mental health so that you feel even more empowered to tackle whatever may come your way. For now, we understand that you may be feeling down and may not have much energy to spare. We make the appointment process easy. The hardest part is reaching out for help. We can get you feeling like yourself again, or the version of you that you have always envisioned. This is possible for you. Our team is ready to come to your aid as soon as you are ready. 

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WEEK DAYS: 09:00AM – 7:00PM
SATURDAY: 09:00AM – 12:00PM
Client Review
“Liana and Leo are the greatest! The best counselor and chiropractor I have been to in 30 years. Took me a lot of money and years to find the best!”
Ellen B. Client Review