Can’t Sleep? How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Reverse Insomnia

CBT Therapy Palatine, IL

The AASM, or the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, reported in 2016 that the around 10 percent of the world’s population lation has chronic to severe insomnia. This is insomnia that occurs at least three times a week for over three months in a row. Increased fatigue, memory loss, the inability to focus or concentrate on anything at all, behavioral or mood shifts, lower energy levels and loss of motivation, as well as anxiety and depression are all symptoms of insomnia. Because insomnia makes it difficult to sleep better and longer, cognitive behavioral therapy (or, CBT-I) is becoming more and more popular. Insomnia makes it difficult to wake up after very little sleep because it causes you to wake up frequently and will not typically allow you to fall back asleep once you have woken up. CBT therapy Palatine, IL offers at the Lotus Wellness Center is a new type of insomnia intervention treatment that is usually recommended by doctors as the base treatment for permanent insomnia termination. It is a step by step program that begins with the insomnia victim identifying what they believe are negative trigger thoughts or memories that keep them awake. Then, they try to replace them with pleasant, happier thoughts or memories. The victim will also try to pinpoint the behaviors that lead up to their insomnia, like using their phone before they sleep and watching television.

This treatment for insomnia is effective because it can help you rid yourself of negative thoughts, thus helping you sleep better at night teach you healthier sleeping patterns. You may be advised to keep a sleep journal so that you can document what time you go to bed each night, when you wake up and how often you do, and anything that is currently on your mind right before going to sleep. This can help you understand your sleeping pattern better and give you a grasp on what exactly is impacting your sleep in such a negative way. This will give you a better grasp on what is impacting your sleep schedule. Another technique used with CBT-I is a sleep restriction method, where you do not allow yourself to sleep until your body literally gives in. Environment improvement is also a big treatment method, where changing the lighting in your room and even moving your tv out of the room can help. Stimulus control is one of the most common treatments for those who have been battling insomnia for longer than five years, and is a process by which the victim of insomnia is only able to use their bedroom for sex and sleep, and not allowed to enter it unless they are doing either of these things.