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Benefits of Couples Counseling Palatine, IL

Benefits of Couples Counseling Palatine, IL

Benefits of Couples Counseling Palatine, IL There are many reasons why a couple may decide to get counseling for their relationship, however, there are some common reasons that therapists see in many of the couples that come to them for help. AtLotus Wellness Center in Palatine, Illinois, we can explain the benefits of couples counseling and help you and your partner work through whatever issues you may be having. Call our office to schedule an appointment and find out how we can help. 

Remarriage: When a person has already been divorced once, they are often hesitant to try again. There could be a good reason for this since statistics show that the divorce rates for second marriages are even higher than they are for first marriages. Compounding the “regular” marital issues is that second marriage often including the blending of both families when the couple has children from prior relationships. A therapist can help with all of these issues, ensuring you get the most benefits of couples counseling our Palatine, IL clinic offers.

In-Law Issues: In-laws may be the brunt of many comedian jokes, but in-law issues in a marriage can be anything but humorous. In fact, there are couples who have ended up in divorce court over in-law problems. It is important to set healthy boundaries for both partners’ families. This can be especially important if the family is a dysfunctional one. Couples counseling can help.

Mental Health Issues: If one spouse has a mental health issue, it causes problems in the marriage. Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and other mental health issues can interfere with the couple’s ability to have a healthy and happy relationship. Couples counseling in Palatine, IL can help work through and learn how to deal with the mental illness together.

Physical Health Issues: When one partner suffers from a decline in health or medical condition, it can have a significant impact on the couple’s ability to enjoy life together. If the condition prohibits the spouse from participating in household chores, work, or another day to day activities, it can lead to a breakdown of the marriage, with the spouse feeling badly about their inability to help and the other spouse resenting having to shoulder the burden. The benefits of couples counseling are many for those who are dealing with medical conditions.

Grief: When a couple suffers a loss, whether the loss of a child, miscarriage, or loss of a parent, the loss and grief can have a devastating impact to the marriage. Without help from a Palatine, IL couples counseling therapist, the couple often is torn apart by the grief instead of working through it together.

Infidelity: When one partner cheats on the other, the devastation to the relationship may feel as if it can never be repaired. Some spouses may decide they do not even want to try to work through the damage, the trust between the two so destroyed. A therapist understands that damage and can help the couple work through all the stages of healing in this process.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of couples counseling Palatine, IL families recommend, contact Lotus Wellness Center today.

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“Liana and Leo are the greatest! The best counselor and chiropractor I have been to in 30 years. Took me a lot of money and years to find the best!”
Ellen B. Client Review